Lifeguard_NE-TX_391-Other Program
Ensures the health, safety and welfare of those usingtheaquatics facilities of The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center; provides constant surveillance of pool activities; observes swimmers,andenforcesregulationsintheguardingoflifeandthepreventionofaccidents;maintainsthe cleanliness of the pool and pool area; monitors and controls the chemical levels of pool water ensuring proper levels are maintained at all times; prepares pool records in aaccurate and complete manner..
This job description should not be interpreted as all inclusive.It is intended to identifythe essential functions and requirements of this position.The incumbent may be requested to perform job-related responsibilities and tasks other than those statedin this job description.
Maintainsconstantsurveillanceofmembers,guests, andvisitorsofthe aquatic’sfacility; actsimmediately and appropriately to secure the safety of samein the event of an emergency.
Directs and supervises the activities and behavior of all swimmers to ensure compliance with pool safety rules; interacts with all members, visitors, and guests in a respectful, professional, and positive manner.
Provides emergency lifesaving assistanceto troubled or drowning swimmers; performs lifesaving C.P.R. and first aid in accordance withcertified practices and procedures; contacts emergency medical assistancewhenneeded;stayswithvictimsuntilemergencymedicalassistancetakesovercareofvictim.
Maintains the cleanliness of the pool water; vacuums bottom of pool surface; scrubs side walls; back washes filter system; checks filter gauges and regulates water level and temperature of pool.
Teststhe poolwater Ph leveland chlorine level asscheduled inordertoensure correctchemicalbalance of pool water; dispenses chemicals into the pool as needed.
Maintainsneatnessandcleanlinessofpooldeckareaandpooldeckfurnishings;collectsanddisposesof trash; maintainsa neat and orderly pool office.
Ensures the accountability, security and safety of children participating in aquatics activities; reports all accidents to the supervisor in an accurate and timely manner.
Administersbasicfirstaidasnecessary;reportsanyhealthissueswithsupervisorinaccordancetopolicies and procedures.
Attendsandparticipatesinregularlyscheduledin-servicetrainings,orientations,andstaffmeetings. Performs other duties as assigned.
Skillintheapplicationoflifeguardingsurveillanceandrescuetechniques. Ability to enforce all pool rules.
Abilitytotestandadjustpoolwatertoensuretheproperchemicalbalanceaswellasthesafetyofthe swimmers.
HighSchoolDiplomaorG.E.D.preferred and
Noformalexperiencerequired, or
anyequivalentcombinationoftrainingandexperiencewhichprovidestherequiredknowledge,skills,and abilities.
Abilitytoread,write,andcommunicatetheEnglishlanguage effectively. Ability to swim and perform life savingactivities.
Dutiesareusuallyperformedbycombinationsofsitting,standing,andwalkingonafrequentchange basis.
Moderate amount of physical effort requiredassociated with walking, standing, lifting, bending, twisting, and carrying light to moderately objects (up to 50 lbs.) occasionally.
Workisperformedinanoutdoorpoolenvironmentwheretheremaybephysicaldiscomfortsassociated with changes in weather or discomforts associated with noise, dust, dirt, and the like.
This document provides descriptive information about the above Salvation Army position. Work actually performedby incumbents in this position may vary.Although this document may be used for recruiting, staffing, or career planning, the information containedhereinshould only be used as a guideline or recommendation for the content of and qualifications for this position. An individual’s ability to meet the qualifications and capabilities described in this document is not a guarantee of employment or promotion. The Salvation Army reserves the right to make changes to this document as deemednecessary without providing advance written notice.
When an application is selected for review, typically, only applicants who indicate the relevant education and experience requirements, as indicated in the job description for the position, may be considered for job openings. Please FULLY complete the application, answer questions completely, honestly and to the best of your ability. Please also upload a copy of your resume (when available). Those applicants requiring accommodation to the application and/or interview process should contact a representative of the Human Resources Department at the applicable location.
We appreciate your interest in employment opportunities with The Salvation Army!
Other details
- Job Family TX-NON-EXEMPT
- Job Function Recreation
- Pay Type Hourly
- Kerrville, TX 201 Holdsworth Drive 78028, 201 Holdsworth Drive, Kerrville, Texas, United States of America